17 top tips for a more effective annual report
Are you up to date with how corporate reporting has changed – and how it can impact on your annual report? How do you balance statutory requirements with marketing demands of an annual report? How can your annual report fulfil its real potential?
What makes an effective annual report? (PDF Download)
Our 17 top tips on better corporate communications provide a brief outline of some of the key points you need to consider. The booklet is designed to help investor relations teams produce a successful annual report.
Below are a few tasters of what you can find in the booklet.
13 – A consistent voice
Does the writing style of your operating review match your financial review? Your report should have a consistent tone of voice from start to finish. Even if it has been written by different people (as they often are), it should read as if it has come from the same pen. Employ a good editor.
9 – Make it look good
Looks aren’t everything but they are important. Does your report align with your brand without looking like a corporate brochure? Does it represent what is happening this year and does it invite the reader to pick it up and read?
3 – Look back as well as forward
Investors need to compare historic data to make the right decision. The way most investors do this is through consistent use of key performance indicators. These financial and operating year-on-year figures allow the investor to understand how your business is developing and how it is performing against strategy.