Our Pledge
At The Team, we are constantly working at doing better and being better, not only in our client work but for our staff members and wider society too.
We believe it is important to acknowledge that improvements can always be made, and transparency is key to the success of any business.
So, we formally pledge to continue championing diversity, inclusion, environmental sustainability and social impact in our workplace.
Diversity and Inclusion
We pledge to continue our mission to create an inclusive atmosphere for all.
We commit to creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere for everyone in our workforce and our wider business community. Everyone will continue to be given equal opportunities, guidance and respect.
We want to see diversity thrive, make sure everyone has a fair shot, and put an end to any kind of discrimination in our workplace.
We pledge to continue open dialogue and conversation led by professionals for all staff members and to complete yearly assessments to ensure that all staff members, clients and potential new joiners feel happy, comfortable and listened to.
Environmental Impact
We pledge to continue our operations in an environmentally sustainable way.
We will work as hard as we can to align our goals with the United Nations Global Compact’s environmental principle.
Using the advice given in the UNGC’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030, we will continue to prioritise sustainability in all aspects of our work and use the SDG compass to guide our decision making.
We will retain our Ecovadis Gold standard, complete our ISO14001 audit yearly, take part in energy reduction schemes like the Southwark Climate Collective and strive towards implementing a carbon reduction plan and becoming B-Corps certified within the next 2 years.
We will keep the dialogue alive with our employees through planned meetings around sustainability and in steering groups and continue to recommend sustainable alternatives in the office to remind people to recycle.
We will share our knowledge and progress with other businesses, online and in person, to help promote and sustain a unified, global approach and carry on with our journey, learning as we go.
Social Impact
We pledge to be aware of our social duty as a business and continue to give back where we can.
We will stay connected and receptive to our social environment and listen to our colleagues and community.
We currently offer ‘giving back days’ to all our employees, where they are encouraged to give back to society, however that may look to them.
We give a donation to a charity of our choice yearly, we take on various pro-bono projects, and we are part of Better Bankside, a business improvement district which commits to making positive change in our local community.