Four controversial concepts affecting employee engagement
“People build brands and brands build businesses” says The Team’s Cliff Ettridge, and yet every year hundreds of millions of pounds are wasted on employee engagement programmes.
How should you spend your budget?
Companies with successful employee experience programmes have four times the average profit and more than double the average revenue, never mind the retention of a happy and enthused workforce.
In a new selection of Team Vlogs, Cliff explores four controversial concepts affecting employee engagement.
Employee Engagement is dead.
Organisations need to stop trying to engage their employees and start trying to engage with them. In the future, it will be how a company engages with people not how people engage with the organisation.
Get more money for communications
Internal communications should’ve been at the top table for the past 20 years. It’s still saying it. That means it’s either failed to get there or it lacks confidence. Either way, it needs to grow up.
A lack of diversity in Employee communications
Our industry isn’t diverse enough. In the UK, the employee communications ‘industry’ doesn’t reflect society as a whole. As an industry, we need to challenge ourselves with this truth in our work every day if we are going to make a difference.
What on earth is an employer brand?
There isn’t just one brand. Customers and employees tend to invent a version of what a brand means to them, here Cliff asks what on earth is an employer brand?
For more Team Employee Engagement thinking visit our Employee Engagement pages, or connect via Linkedin directly.