Talk with The Team: Rebranding a Football Club - Equality FC

Online virtual event

Lewes FC are Equality FC: Maggie Murphy, CEO, tells us their brand story.

When you rebrand a business you change your promise to customers.

When you rebrand a football club, you play with people’s hearts and dreams.

Lewes FC has received critical acclaim for being the only football club in the world to pay the same salary to both the women’s and men’s team.

A truly level playing field!

This brand idea – Equality FC – is a club with a purpose: to create a world where football is an inspirational, inclusive, and sustainable engine for social good.

To have real cut-through today, a brand must be authentic. But what does that mean? So many brands use the word, but are they really brave enough? Lewes FC are. That’s why this story is so compelling.

Kevin MacKenzie, Managing Director, The Team

But how do you bring that brand to life with the local community?

In this online ‘Talk with The Team’, Maggie Murphy, CEO at Lewes FC, will share the story of the club, its brand position and idea, and what it means to be truly authentic.

We’ll explore:

  • Brand authenticity and the difficult decisions you have to take
  • How the brand comes to life and the choices that need to be made to keep fans (or in your case, customers) happy
  • How you challenge and keep challenging deeply ingrained beliefs and take partners, suppliers and staff with you on the journey
  • The art of being a true brand leader – standing up for what you believe

Register your interest for this online virtual event: 29 November, 10am