Nature vs Nurture

What business leaders should know about the way environment shapes behaviour

Front cover of The Team's whitepaper digital download titled, 'Nature vs Nurture: What business leaders should know about the way environment shapes behaviour.'

What to expect from this white paper

When thinking about behaviour in the sphere of business, our focus of attention typically gears towards individual attributes… “He ’s probably just lazy”, “I guess she wasn’t up to the challenge”, “Our target audience tend to like ‘X’”…

But doesn’t this miss a significant, and more influenceable aspect of behaviour?

We need to consider the context.

This white paper considers some of the contextual influences of behaviour, while providing some useful frameworks through which to understand any behaviour.

After reading this white paper, you will be equipped with a clearer understanding of how to think about business challenges through a behavioural lens, while justifying why you should always get your order in first when out with your friends!

Get your free copy of this exclusive white paper