Ellie's Angels
Shaping the Story

Ellie's Angels
In 2020, Jody and Mark Foster lost their daughter Ellie in a tragic accident. What they discovered amongst her belongings would change the lives of young people forever.
Ellie had previously struggled with different mental health challenges, especially low self-esteem and anxiety. Around 1 in 6 young people suffer with mental health challenges in the UK. As she was waiting to start a programme of professional help, Ellie decided to explore different ways to help herself navigate through what she was experiencing to see if she could find a way to feel better.
Her journal of daily check-ins, affirmations, meditations, and thoughts recorded her journey to feeling happy. So, when it was discovered, Jody and Mark wondered if it could help other young people experiencing similar challenges too and provide a wonderful legacy for Ellie.
This prompted a question – what coping mechanisms might other young people find helpful on their own journey?
So Ellie’s Angels was born and with it, the better u app. Although certified and monitored by health professionals, the core difference of the app content was that it was created by young people, for young people. With the mission of equipping them with tools, practices, and support to reach and maintain positive mental health or navigate a difficult time – just like Ellie did.

The Challenge
Ellie’s Angels wanted to develop their brand identity, to achieve continuity across all platforms including their app and raise brand awareness.
Our task was to help Ellie’s Angels shape this story, its positioning, and visual identity to give them greater stand out, traction across their audiences, and ultimately drive downloads of the app.

Our Solution
We developed a cohesive visual language and identity that Ellie’s Angels were able to sew into their various media platforms. And we produced a clear story, narrative and professional deck to push for funding.

Mark and Jody FosterThe Team were able to offer their time, experience and expertise with kindness and patience to allow us to better understand how to progress and improve our exposure. We are very grateful for everyone from The Team who offered support not only during work hours, but also in their own time to help Ellie's Angels

We can increase your brand's impact
We are The Team of experts.
During our forty years of doing what we love, we’ve developed brands for The Beatles and the NHS and looked after employees at BP and Heathrow, to name just a few.
When you work with us, our consultants, strategists, writers, designers and project managers become a part of your team.
We create trust and deliver exceptional results, taking your brand to new levels of success.
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